Seasons of War was developed on 733 MHz Pentium IIIs with NVIDIA Quadro based cards
running Red Hat Linux and gets
about 30 fps at 1600x1200 resolution. It was ported on a 400 MHz Pentium
II with a NVIDIA TNT based card running Windows 98 getting about 18 fps at
1280x1024 resolution. It seems to run well on 32MB ATI Rage 128 Fury
cards as well. I'd be
interested to know how Seasons of War performs on other setups.
Things of Note:
- Setting the resolution to dimensions smaller than 1280x1024 may clip parts of the setup screen.
- Pillboxes are currently invincible
- Linux networking is only feasible over low-latency connections
- Win32 networking has not been implemented
Linux Binary
- 3D graphics card that fully supports OpenGL 1.1 with at
least 32MB RAM onboard
- Latest drivers for your graphics card
- Download
- Unzip the archive and run the binary
- Everything should work if you have already setup your 3D card
- If you are running in full screen mode, try using kde as your window
manager (x -w kde from the command line) and then kill kpanel
- If it runs slowly, try changing the parameters in the sw_config.cfg
Win32 Binary
- Download
- Unzip the archive
- Obtain the latest drivers for you video card either from the card manufacturer's web page or if there is any confusion as to which drivers are the latest try GLSetup
- Run the binary
- If you get the error message "GLUT32.DLL not found", try putting the GLUT32.DLL in the X:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM/ directory
- If you get the error message "OPENGL32.DLL not found" or "GLU32.DLL not found", then you'll need to reinstall
- If it runs slowly, try changing the parameters in the sw_config.cfg
Source Code
The full source will be available shortly, as soon as I finish working on the project.