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Up: Feature-Based Volume Metamorphosis
Previous: Prior Work
Volume data may be acquired in several ways, the most common of which
are listed below.
- Scanned volumes:
- Some scanning technologies, such as
Computerized Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
generate volume data. Figures 5a and
5c show CT scans of a human and an orangutan
head, respectively.
- Scan converted geometric models:
- A geometric model can be
voxelized [10], preferably with antialiasing
[20], generating a volume-based representation of the
model. Figures 6a, 6b,
7a, and 7b show examples of
scan-converted volumes.
- Interactive sculpting:
- Interactive modeling, or
sculpting [19] [7], can generate
volume data directly.
- Procedural definition:
- Hypertexture volumes
[15] can be defined procedurally by functions over 3D
Last update: 11 May 1995 by Apostolos "Toli" Lerios[email protected]