Up: Feature-Based Volume Metamorphosis
Previous: Acknowledgments
- 1
T. Beier and S. Neely.
Pacific Data Images.
Personal communication.
- 2
T. Beier and S. Neely.
Feature-based image metamorphosis.
In Computer Graphics, vol 26(2), pp 35--42, New York, NY,
July 1992.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '92.
- 3
B. P. Bergeron.
Morphing as a means of generating variation in visual medical
teaching materials.
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 24(1):11--18, Jan. 1994.
- 4
B. Cabral, N. Cam, and J. Foran.
Accelerated volume rendering and tomographic reconstruction using
texture mapping hardware.
In A. Kaufman and W. Krueger, editors, Proceedings of the 1994
Symposium on Volume Visualization, pp 91--98, New York, NY, Oct. 1994.
ACM SIGGRAPH and IEEE Computer Society.
- 5
M. Chen, M. W. Jones, and P. Townsend.
Methods for volume metamorphosis.
To appear in Image Processing for Broadcast and Video
Production, Y. Paker and S. Wilbur editors, Springer-Verlag, London, 1995.
- 6
M. Covell and M. Withgott.
Spanning the gap between motion estimation and morphing.
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing, vol 5, pp 213--216, New York, NY, 1994.
- 7
T. A. Galyean and J. F. Hughes.
Sculpting: An interactive volumetric modeling technique.
In Computer Graphics, vol 25(4), pp 267--274, New York,
NY, July 1991.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '91.
- 8
T. He, S. Wang, and A. Kaufman.
Wavelet-based volume morphing.
In D. Bergeron and A. Kaufman, editors, Proceedings of
Visualization '94, pp 85--91, Los Alamitos, CA, Oct. 1994. IEEE Computer
Society and ACM SIGGRAPH.
- 9
J. F. Hughes.
Scheduled Fourier volume morphing.
In Computer Graphics, vol 26(2), pp 43--46, New York, NY,
July 1992.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '92.
- 10
A. Kaufman, D. Cohen, and R. Yagel.
Volume graphics.
Computer, 26(7):51--64, July 1993.
- 11
A. Kaul and J. Rossignac.
Solid-interpolating deformations: Construction and animation of
In F. H. Post and W. Barth, editors, Eurographics '91, pp
493--505, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Sept. 1991. Eurographics Association,
- 12
J. R. Kent, W. E. Carlson, and R. E. Parent.
Shape transformation for polyhedral objects.
In Computer Graphics, vol 26(2), pp 47--54, New York, NY,
July 1992.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '92.
- 13
P. Litwinowicz.
Efficient techniques for interactive texture placement.
In Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series,
pp 119--122, New York, NY, July 1994.
Conference Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '94.
- 14
W. E. Lorensen and H. E. Cline.
Marching cubes: A high resolution 3-D surface construction
In Computer Graphics, vol 21(4), pp 163--169, New York,
NY, July 1987.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '87.
- 15
K. Perlin and E. M. Hoffert.
In Computer Graphics, vol 23(3), pp 253--262, New York,
NY, July 1989.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '89.
- 16
T. W. Sedeberg, P. Gao, G. Wang, and H. Mu.
2-D shape blending: An intrinsic solution to the vertex path
In Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series,
pp 15--18, New York, NY, Aug. 1993.
Conference Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '93.
- 17
T. W. Sederberg and S. R. Parry.
Free-form deformations of solid geometric models.
In Computer Graphics, vol 20(4), pp 151--160, New York,
NY, Aug. 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '86.
- 18
P. A. van den Elsen, E.-J. D. Pol, and M. A. Viergever.
Medical image matching --- a review with classification.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine,
12(1):26--39, Mar. 1993.
- 19
S. W. Wang and A. Kaufman.
Volume sculpting.
In Proceedings of 1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics,
pp 151--156, 214, New York, NY, Apr. 1995. ACM SIGGRAPH.
- 20
S. W. Wang and A. E. Kaufman.
Volume sampled voxelization of geometric primitives.
In G. M. Nielson and D. Bergeron, editors, Proceedings of
Visualization '93, pp 78--84, Los Alamitos, CA, Oct. 1993. IEEE Computer
Society and ACM SIGGRAPH.
- 21
G. Wolberg.
Digital Image Warping.
IEEE Computer Society P., Los Alamitos, CA, 1990.
Last update: 11 May 1995 by Apostolos "Toli" Lerios[email protected]