Project Overview
Inspired by striking photographs of sea nettles lit under
ultraviolet light at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, our goal was to
create an animated underwater scene containing jellyfish. Images of
jellyfish proved to be an interesting subject to attempt to
reproduce due to the intricacy of the creature's geometry, the
presence of translucent surfaces that scatter light, and the
beautiful appearance of the creatures when placed under particular
lighting conditions. The photographs of jellyfish at the Monterey
Bay Aquarium that served as the starting point for our project can
be seen here.
Our original project proposal sits here.
the Jellyfish Jellyfish
Animation Appearance
Models and Rendering Rendered
Animations and Images
Part 1: Modeling the
Each jellyfish is defined by small set of parameters and user specified
splines. A triangle mesh for each region of the jellyfish is constructed
from these inputs and fed to pbrt. The bell of the jellyfish is modeled by
lathing a Hermite spline around an axis of rotation defined by the
jellyfish's orientation. Hermite splines were chosen to give us the
ability to more carefully define the shape of the bell. Catmull-Rom
splines did not provide enough control since derivatives cannot be
specified. A second spline curve is used to govern the displacement of the
surface to create frills in the bell. All splines are reparameterized by
arc-length, resulting in a mesh containing triangles with roughly equal
area. The parameterization by arc-length also minimized the "sliding" of
geometry along the parameterized surface as the control points of the
spline curves were animated.
The Jellyfish's small tentacles are modeled as generalized cylinders.
The backbone spline of the generalized cylinder is given by a Catmull-Rom
spline whose control points are determined by the locations of particles
in a mass-spring simulation discussed in part 2. Since it would be ackward
to specify derivatives at each control point in this case, Catmull-Rom
splines were used instead of Hermite splines. We used a technique
given by Ken Sloan to avoid twisting of geometry when generating
triangles for the surface of the tentacles.
The most difficult aspect of realistically modeling the jellyfish was
reproducing the intricate geometry of the large inner tentacles. The
tentacles are modeled as a long thin sheet whose central axis is defined
by a Catmull-Rom spline. As done for the small tentacles, a coordinate
system is obtained for each sample point on this spline. We then generate
two splines f1 and f2 to define the displacement of the
surface in the z direction (local coord system) at the edges of the
tentacle. The height of the surface at intermediate points is then
interpolated using a parameter that is quadratic in x. A cross-section
view of a large tentacle is givne below.

Control points of f1 and f2 are generated via a random
walk. This gave more pleasing results than a noise function. The
x-distance between the edges of the tentacle is also determined by a
random spline. Finally, the tentacle is given rotation by rotating the
local coordinate systems at each sample point along the backbone spline.
The change in this rotation between sample points is determined by yet
another spline.
Part 2: Jellyfish
The jellyfish is animated using a combination of keyframing and
simple simulation. The overall velocity of the jellyfish is determined by
a user specified Hermite spline. Parameterization by arc length is
required for animation splines to ensure uniform velocity over time.
The bell animation is keyframed. The user specifies a set of Hermite
splines to use as keyframes. Surprisingly, we found that given enough
keyframes, linear interpolation of the keyframes was sufficient for
visually pleasing results. They keyframe splines for the bell animation
sequence are shown at left.
The control points of the small and large tentacle backbone splines are
animated via a simple damped mass-spring particle system (we simulate a
rope with stretch and bend springs, attached at one end to a point on the
surface of the bell). Midpoint integration is used to time step the
To make the large tentacles appear less rigid, a turbulence field is
generated using a combination of sin curves. Additionally, the edges of
the large tentacles are purturbed sinusoidally with slightly higher
frequency than the forces on the simulated particles. None of these
effects have any physical basis, but yielding plausible animation results.
Part 3: Appearance Models
and Rendering
Jellyfish Surface Material
Out initial goal in rendering the jellyfish was to accurately model
reflection, transmission and single scattering for thin surfaces. We
implemented the model given in Hanrahan and Krueger's "Reflection from
Layered Surfaces due to Subsurface Scattering." However, we found that
reproducing the vibrant appearance of our reference photos using this
model under plausible illumination was difficult.
Further discussion led to the realization that the dominant factor in
the appearance of our reference images was the fluorescence of the
jellyfish under ultraviolet illumination. Rather than try to model
fluorescent materials and UV illumination in PBRT we made the simplifying
assumption that the fluorescent term could be modeled as uniform
volumetric light emission (for sufficiently uniform UV illumination). We
thus extended our thin surface material model to account for light
emission as well as scattering. Texture mapping the level of emission
across the bell and tentacles allowed us to add variation to the surfaces
and generate a convincing appearance.
The following images show our jellyfish surface model without texture
mapping of the emissive color:
Volumetric Photon Mapping
Our implementation of volume photon mapping was based on two primary
sources. The first was the PBRT code for photon mapping of surfaces, and
the second was Henrik Wann Jensen's "Realistic Image Synthesis Using
Volume Photon Mapping." The PBRT surface photon mapping already included
code for shooting and storing photons in a k-d tree, as well as code for
finding the N closest photons to a point and making a surface radiance
estimate. Thus adding volumetric photon mapping was a matter of extending
the photon shooting to include scattering and absorption, as well as
adding ray marching and a volume radiance estimate to accumulate these
photons for rendering.
During the shooting phase we take each photon ray (whether shot from a
light source or scattered from a surface or volume element) and intersect
it with the volume elements of the scene. We then estimate the average
combined scattering/absorption cross section of the volume along the ray.
Using this information we importance sample a "time to next interaction"
with the volume. If a surface obstructs the ray before this next
interaction then we use the standard PBRT codepath to handle the surface
intersection. Otherwise we store the photon in an appropriate k-d tree and
use the albedo of the volume to select between absorption and scattering
Our ray-marching implementation was achieved by extending the standard
PBRT single-scattering volume integrator. This integrator already marched
rays through the volume and estimated in-scattered radiance resulting from
direct lighting. We extended this integrator by using the
previously-stored photon maps to make radiance estimates at each point
sample. Our photon map lookups added in-scattered radiance due to multiple
volume scattering as well as light that had scattered from both surfaces
and volumes. The following image shows how out volume integrator can
correctly realize the volume caustic projected by a bright light source
through a glass sphere:
We found, unfortunately, that our volumetric photon mapping
implementation did not behave as expected in our underwater enviornment.
Whether it was a result of our simplistic water surface geometry or a bug
in our implementation, we were never able to reproduce the "shafts of
light" that might be expected in a marine environment without giving our
surface waves unrealistic amplitudes. This shortcoming might have been
avoided had we given more time to correctness testing on the photon
mapper, physically plausible water surface simulation, and correct
scattering and absorption properties for marine water.
Furthermore, animating scenes with our photon maps led to objectionable
temporal noise. Rather than increase the number of photons shot and used
in our radiance estimates to drive down the noise (at a significant cost
to rendering time) we chose to "bake" our photon map configuration on the
first frame of animation and re-use that data for subsequent frames. This
eliminated the temporal noise, leaving only spatial noise and implausible
appearance as the remaining problems with our photon mapping.
The following images show some early results in our search for
plausible and attractive underwater volumes:
Part 4: Our Renderings
Click on images to view high resolution versions.
Jellyfish surrounded by a blue environment map swimming in a
homogeneous blue volume. A bloom filter has been applied as a post
process. Each jellyfish contains approximately 250,000
here to view the high res tiff (3079K).
here to view the animation (2927K). |
In this scene we use volumetric photon mapping to attempt to
capture light scattering effects through the water. The water's
surface is a 1000x1000 resolution heightfield. An optical manhole
effect due to total internal reflection is visible behind the
jellyfish. A bloom filter has been applied as a post process.
here to view the high res tiff (3079K).
here to view the animation (1449K). |
Jellyfish rendered against a black background to make the
geometric detail of the surfaces more apparent.
here to view the high res tiff (3087K).
here to view the animation (3311K). |
Project completed June 2004 by Kayvon Fatahalian and Tim
Foley. |