Parametric Geometry and Lighting
Jared Jackson
The purpose of this project was to add shapes and light sources that could
be described using parametric equations. While such shapes can also be created
using existed structures such as NURBS and other spline or primitive descriptions,
it is often much easier to express a shape using a mathematical formula than
to try to manipulate it in a 3D shape editor application such as Maya.
Describing a Parametric Shape
There are several ways in which a parametric shape could
be described. In order to describe a three-dimensional surface it is necessary
to use at least two variables. However it is possible to describe a path in
three-dimensions using only one variable. Once the path is described a second
path can be mapped around the first path in order to create the surface. By
separating the two paths, we separate the two variables and allow ourselves,
if we would like, to use assumed or built-in shapes for the second path, thus
allowing us to work in only one variable.
For example, suppose we wanted to describe a circle
of radius one centered at the origin and residing on the XY plane. The parametric
description of that circle would be: x(u) = cos(2 pi u), y(u) = sin(2 pi u),
z(u) = 0 for u from 0 to 1. This description required only one variable. To
create a torus out of this circle, we would need to map a second circle along
our path, orienting the circle such that it existed in the plane whose normal
was tangential to our first path. In order to do this we need to include in
our shape description the direction of the tangent to our first path: dx(u)
= -sin(2 pi u), dy(u) = cos(2 pi u), dz(u) = 0.
The Parametric Shape Object
My implementation of the parametric shape was written
to parse shapes from a RIB file for their use in lrt. In order to do this, I
needed to be able to express math functions in a text file. The first step of
my project was to create an S-Expression parser that included many floating
point number functions and some boolean functions. For an example of how a shape
is described in the RIB file, consider this shape which describes the torus
Geometry "parametric"
"string x" "cos (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
"string y" "sin (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
"string z" "0"
"string dx" "mult -1 (sin (mult 2 (mult x pi)))"
"string dy" "cos (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
"string dz" "0"
"string radius" "0.1"
In addition to the ability to map a circle around the
path provided by the x, y, and z parameters, my shape implementation includes
a few other built in shapes that may be commonly used to describe a scene. These
shapes are set by a shape parameter as in the following two shapes
Geometry "parametric"
"string x" "cos (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
"string y" "sin (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
"string z" "0"
"string dx" "mult -1 (sin (mult 2 (mult x pi)))"
"string dy" "cos (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
"string dz" "0"
"string radius" "0.1"
"string shape" "box"
Geometry "parametric"
"string x" "cos (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
"string y" "sin (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
"string z" "0"
"string dx" "mult -1 (sin (mult 2 (mult x pi)))"
"string dy" "cos (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
"string dz" "0"
"string radius" "0.1"
"string shape" "star"
Limiting the shapes that could be described only to
built-in paths that traced around the original path would be rather restricting
on a parametric shape. Thus, I added an additional shape that allowed the user
to describe a complex shape using S-Expressions once again to define now the
second path. While the S-Expression parser requires that the variable be called
x, it must be remembered that this variable is separate from the one used in
the original path. In the following example two shapes are made by rotating
a polynomial around an unvarying point. The description for the left shape is
Geometry "parametric"
"string x" "0"
"string y" "0"
"string z" "0"
"string dx" "mult -1 (sin (mult 2 (mult x pi)))"
"string dy" "cos (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
"string dz" "0"
"string shape" "complex"
"string cx" "sub 1 (pow x 3)"
"string cy" "x"
There are more parameters for the shape that may be
set, if so desired. These include the minimum and maximum values (i.e. the range)
of the variable for either of the two paths, the number of samples to take for
either of the two paths, whether or not a smoothing should occur between the
samples, and two other parameters that can be expressed as S-Expressions. The
last two parameters are the radius and twist of the path being traced around
the original path. These expressions are expressed in terms of the variable
on that first path. Two examples of using these parameters as non-constants
are shown below:
Geometry "parametric"
"string x" "0"
"string y" "0"
"string z" "0"
"string dx" "mult -1 (sin (mult 2 (mult x pi)))"
"string dy" "cos (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
"string dz" "0"
"string radius" "add 0.2 (mult 0.1 (cos (mult 20 (mult
x pi))))"
Geometry "parametric"
"string x" "0"
"string y" "0"
"string z" "0"
"string dx" "mult -1 (sin (mult 2 (mult x pi)))"
"string dy" "cos (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
"string dz" "0"
"string shape" "star"
"string radius" "0.2"
"string twist" "cos (mult 2 (mult x pi))"
Parametric Lights
Parametric lighting requires only the original path
to be defined. Samples are then taken along the path and treated as point lights
at those sampled points. The intensity of the light is divided by the number
of samples taken (optionally set by the integer 'samples' parameter). The following
picture shows the use of a parametric shape and light described to render a
neon sign sitting in front of a black backdrop. The description of the shape
in the front is duplicated for the light source sitting behind it. A distant
light illuminates the front shape, while the parametric light adds its illumination
to the backdrop. The picture on the left is a photograph of a neon light (taken
from the web, possibly doctored a bit) and that on the right is my rendering.
Final Image
I constructed a final image that shows off how complex shapes can be created
quite easily using mathematical formulas in parametric shapes. With the exception
of the walls, table, and spherical light source, all of the objects in this
scene are created using my parametric shape. Both the fluorescent light and
the basket show how compactly a complex shape could be described that would
require a huge amount of effort to create using NURBS. The plastic attachment
to the fluorescent light demonstrates the parametric shape where two variables
are used. The spines on the tower of hanoi show how boolean logic and math
functions can be combined on the radius to make it simple to define a cylinder
with varying radius. The tower also shows how primitive shapes like disks
and boxes can also be described parametrically. (Click on the image to see
it in larger form)

Source Code & SCENE Files
The following link provides a zipped up file that contains the scenes used
to demonstrate the parametric object as well as the source code needed to
extends lrt. There are two source code files: sexpr.h and Both
belong in lrt's shapes directory. The Makefile.filelist needs also to be modified
to include as a shape source code file. The file
is a large file because it includes some of the other shape code files in
it, namely trianglemesh and subdivision. I also created a power point presentation that describes this project which is linked to bellow.