/usr/class/cs248/assignments/assignment3to your path in ~/.cshrc. Execute
source ~/.cshrc(This only needs to be done once, not every time you log in.) Henceforth, you may execute MOAN by simply typing moan on the command-line, no matter what your current directory is.
alias moan /usr/class/cs248/assignments/assignment3/moanto ~/.cshrc. As in the previous option, execute
source ~/.cshrconce, and henceforth use simply moan to invoke MOAN.
cp /usr/class/cs248/assignments/assignment3/moan /usr/tmp/moanand invoke it using
/usr/tmp/moanor by defining an alias as in the previous option. This approach may improve performance if you use MOAN repeatedly, as disk accesses will be local.
Remember to delete your local copy when done.
/usr/class/cs248/assignments/assignment3/to some local work directory (residing either in /usr/tmp for efficiency, or in a subdirectory of your home directory for easy access across machines). To this end, cut and paste the following commands to your terminal:
cp /usr/class/cs248/assignments/assignment3/Makefile_c Makefile cp /usr/class/cs248/assignments/assignment3/interpolate.c .
/usr/class/cs248/assignments/assignment3/to some local work directory (residing either in /usr/tmp for efficiency, or in a subdirectory of your home directory for easy access across machines). To this end, cut and paste the following commands to your terminal:
cp /usr/class/cs248/assignments/assignment3/Makefile_C Makefile cp /usr/class/cs248/assignments/assignment3/interpolate.C .
makeon the command line, and your very own version of MOAN will appear in your current directory (please disregard the warnings produced). This version differs from ours only in that it does not perform cubic keyframe interpolation (not yet, at least).
/usr/class/cs248/assignments/assignment3/interpolate.hwhich describes the interface to and functionality of the code segment you have to write; you do not need to copy this file locally. It might help you to go over our implementation of the linear keyframe interpolator, in order to fully understand the role of each argument passed to your function.
Finally, once your code is fully debugged, you may want to edit your Makefile and deactivate the -g compiler option, while enabling the -O2 compiler option and the -s linker option. Thus, your version of MOAN will become as fast as (or even faster than) ours.