Practical analytical antialiasing

CS 248 - Introduction to Computer Graphics
Autumn Quarter, 2002
Marc Levoy
Lecture notes for Tuesday, October 22 (first half of class)

Table of contents:

Algorithm 2 is also known as "accumulation buffer antialiasing". It is the algorithm we have asked you to implement in project #2.
If you want to learn more about this algorithm and some of the neat things it can be used for, read Haeberli, P., Akeley, K., The Accumulation Buffer: Hardware Support for High-Quality Rendering, Computer Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 24:4, pp. 309-318, 1990.

Press here for the Powerpoint slides I showed in class giving examples of antialiasing methods (HTML or PPT or PDF).

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Copyright © 2002 Marc Levoy
Last update: October 17, 2002 08:04:07 PM