Student questionnaire

CS 248 - Introduction to Computer Graphics
Autumn Quarter, 2000
Marc Levoy

Personal data

Name (first name first):

Stanford University ID:

Degree and year (expected):

Department (if graduate) or major (if undergraduate) or degree program (if SITN):

Email address (important!):

WWW home page, if any:

Programming background

What is the highest numbered course you have taken from among CS 106, 107, 108:

Check all those with which you have significant experience:

Mathematics background

Check all those with which you have significant experience:

If you checked linear algebra, which course did you take?


Probability you will take CS 248 (enter a real number from 0.0 to 1.0):

Why are you interested in this course?

Note: Please be honest in your responses to this questionnaire. Its purpose is to help your instructors estimate the number of TAs we need and to adjust the level of the course material. We will not use your responses to enforce the course prerequisites, nor will the responses affect how you are treated during the quarter.

[email protected]
Copyright © 2000 Marc Levoy
Last update: September 25, 2000 08:22:59 PM