OpenGL review session
Introduction – why OpenGL
What does OpenGL do
Draw stuff "onscreen", in 2D and 3D
What doesn't it do
Windows, menus, define what "onscreen" is, share the display,
input devices
GLUT as windowing interface
Makes up for most of the things in the "What doesn't it do"
OpenGL + GLUT + {insert your windowing system here} make a pretty
complete combination.
OGL/GLUT app should be portable across the various Unix platforms and
GLUT overview
Mostly one-time initialization
See sample code in /usr/class/cs248/assignments/assigment3/example/simple
// GLUT Window Initialization:
glutInit (&argc, argv);
glutInitWindowSize (g_Width,
glutInitDisplayMode ( GLUT_RGB |
glutCreateWindow ("CS248 GLUT
Callback model (like xsupport)
// Register callbacks:
glutDisplayFunc (display);
glutXXXXXXXFunc (callbackName);
More info:
OpenGL overview
Function names like glXXX
Data types like 2i, 3f, fv
glBegin, glEnd to specify polygons
glVertex, glNormal to specify vertices inside polygons
state management
many functions apply to current state
have lots of other functions to select/modify current state
Rendering in OpenGL – basic 2D
How to get a basic 2D drawing onscreen
Clearing screen – glClearColor, glClear
Viewport – glViewport
Orthographic projection – glOrtho
Specifying colors – glColor*
Specifying vertices – glVertex*
Making polygons out of vertices (glBegin/glEnd)
Rendering in OpenGL – 3D
Overview of pipeline
Transformation, 2 matrices
Backface culling
Depth test
Diffuse, specular, ambient
Multiple lights
Depends on normal vectors -- glNormal
Based on light position, materials, normals
Calculated for each vertex, interpolated to fill polygon (Gouraud shading)
Transformation model
glOrtho, gluPerspective
Common modelview transformations
for model:
glRotate, glTranslate, glScale
General transformations: glMultMatrix
Rendering primitives
Z buffer (hidden surface removal)
Texture mapping
Enable texturing – glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D)
Bind texture to context -- glBindTexture
Build mipmaps – gluBuild2DMipmaps
Set filtering options – glTexParameteri
Specifying texture coordinates
Automatically -- glTexGen
Performance considerations
Triangle strips – good
Vertex arrays – often good
Display lists – sometimes good
Texture mapping
Hardware vs. software
Clipping – esp. near/far planes
Avoid the dreaded �black screen�
make small reversible changes
to your code until you get a feel for what does what
More hints
Use man pages on SGI's
man -k concept | grep ^gl
last year's review session notes